Jump into the weird, fun world of monster romance!

This place is dedicated to the growing and creative monster romance genre.

Monster romance is defined here as any romance story that involves at least one non-human person. You can imagine then that our scope is pretty broad!

About the Rating Systems

Star Rating System

5 - Essential example of the genre. The story’s premise was explored thoroughly. Characters and the setting were given depth. Practically nothing was left wanting for further exploration.

4 - Enjoyable, a great example of the genre. The premise, characters, and setting are well-done. Specific and very few things were left needing more. So-called “flaws” might even be disputed by fellow readers.

3 - Enjoyable read, but it would be fine to skip it. The premise, characters, and setting are entertaining. Specific things were left needing more.

2 - Skippable read, but not a guaranteed waste of time. The premise, characters, and setting are fine, but systematic issues throughout the story leave them without fulfilling their true potential.

1 - You miss nothing by not reading this. Life is too short.

Spice Rating System

5 - Sex scenes are on the page, described with explicit, “naughty” language, and explore fetishes and kinks which may include but are not exclusive to multiple partners, BDSM, and exhibitionism.

4 - Sex scenes are on the page and described with explicit, “naughty” language.

3 - Sex scenes are on the page but described with generally milder language.

2 - Extensive sexual tension. Sex is implied or off the page.

1 - Some sexual tension with possibly kissing and hand holding. No sex.

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Book Reviews and Commentary of Steamy and Spicy Monster Romance


Book blogger with a serious love of Monster Romance. She/her, They/them. Minors, begone.